Drew Romans2021-12-15T12:59:13+02:00Think of diarrhoea as your body’s way of trying to alert you of a problem or disruption inside your gastrointestinal [...]
Think of diarrhoea as your body’s way of trying to alert you of a problem or disruption inside your gastrointestinal [...]
The gut is a huge deal and the hero spotlight shines directly on the microbial bacteria/microbes found there. Can probiotics improve digestive health?
Think of diarrhoea as your body’s way of trying to alert you of a problem or disruption inside your gastrointestinal system. Where can you find natural diarrhoea relief and how can Releaf Pharmaceuticals help?
When your digestion is out of sync, everything feels off. It’s hard to concentrate, be active, sometimes it even interferes with how you fall asleep. When it comes to digestive inflammation or irritation, it’s important to regulate the symptoms with something natural that won’t disrupt your body even further.
The liver deserves a lot more credit than we give it. We uncover a basic understanding of the importance of our liver and how to keep it healthy.
The science of our bowels is actually quite charming…
All the festive season eating, drinking and merry-making is great for the soul but not so great for the poor old liver, the organ responsible for breaking down carbohydrates, making glucose, and detoxing the body. It also stores nutrients and creates bile, which is necessary to properly digest and absorb the nutrients in food.
There’s no shortage of information out there about probiotics, the “good bacteria” that live in our gut and affect the health of everything from our digestive system to our skin and mood. But sometimes one needs a little refresher to remind ourselves of the basics.
Despite being the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, many of us don’t get enough magnesium.