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In a world where we all have direct access to a constant stream of information telling us how ‘bad’ certain foods are, it’s safe to say we’ve all become a little paranoid about what we put into our bodies, and in particular, our kids’ bodies.

Still, is it really possible to eliminate all processed foods from their little diets, when you consider the harsh reality that you won’t always be standing beside them with some carrot sticks and a jar of sprouted hummus?

Well according to proud mom, health and wellness Instagram influencer Jeanette Ogden of Shut The Kale Up, this isn’t necessary or possible, really: “…in a perfect world he’d eat local organic real food for every single meal/snack and nothing else! But that’s just not realistic. When we’re home I cook lots of goods, we constantly snack on veggies, fruit, clean snacks and do my best to make better alternatives to his favourite foods like pizza, pasta and fries. I don’t deprive him of anything and I don’t EVER want him fearing food. Food is here to nourish our bodies and sometimes it’s good for the soul.”

When asked how she feels about Elliot going to parties where there are no ‘real food options’, Ogden says: “If he’s with my mom or mother in law, and they decide to go eat burgers, if he’s at a birthday party, and there’s cake/cupcakes, if we’re at a friend’s house, and they offer him processed snacks that I don’t necessarily approve of, I let him decide. I always pack options for him, but of course, kids want what other kids have (or at least mine does).”

“I will continue to say this because I live what I preach, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. He’s obviously not eating junk every day, and I can only do so much to protect him from all the toxic crap in this world. I have to let him live and do my best to set him up for success in all aspects of LIFE, not just food…we’re all different, there’s no right or wrong way on how we each choose to eat.”

Let the little ones eat cake then! Just make sure you give them as many wholesome foods as possible, and extra gut support with the Releaf Probiotic kids chews, which contain a combination of 3 probiotic strains that may assist in improving the microbial balance in the human intestines and thereby the functioning of the digestive tract.

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